by CyberKnife Miami | Nov 30, 2023 | CyberKnife Treatment Miami Florida, Radiation Therapy
Radiation is one of the best tools doctors have to kill certain types of cancer. In fact, about two-thirds of all cancer patients will be treated with radiation after their diagnosis, according to UT Southwestern Medical Center. Yet many cancer patients – and quite...
by CyberKnife Miami | Aug 4, 2022 | CyberKnife Center of Miami, CyberKnife to Treat Cancer, CyberKnife Treatment, Radiation Therapy
The experts at the CyberKnife Center of Miami – a state-of-the-art cancer treatment center that uses radiation to treat cancer – are committed to providing patients with the best treatment, care, and access to information. So, we wanted to answer your most frequently...
by CyberKnife Miami | Jul 19, 2022 | CyberKnife Center of Miami, CyberKnife to Treat Cancer, CyberKnife Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer
“Never lose hope. Keep working, planning, traveling. Continue living your life every day to the fullest. Fight it, fight to the end,” says Charles, an 81-year-old patient of the CyberKnife Center of Miami, a cancer treatment center using a state-of-the-art form of...
by CyberKnife Miami | Aug 19, 2020 | Best Cancer Doctors, Cancer Caretakers, Cancer Treatment, CyberKnife Center of Miami, Trigeminal Neuralgia
Pick the Right Cancer Treatment Team Many patients that are diagnosed with cancer are given maybe one or two treatment options by their physician. Some are referred to a surgeon or a general radiation center because their doctors are unaware of the option for a better...
by CyberKnife Miami | Feb 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
Women with Ovarian Cancer who are told nothing more can be done should research CyberKnife Radiation Therapy. Often CyberKnife can help. Dr. Mark Pomper, Board Certified Radiation Oncologist & Medical Director at CyberKnife Miami explains why this treatment option...