What is a Pancoast Tumor, What are the Symptoms & How is it Treated?

by | Oct 22, 2022 | Best CyberKnife Doctors, Pancost Lung Tumor

Pancoast tumors are cancers that start in the top part of the lung (the apex). These cancers were named after an American doctor called Professor Henry Pancoast in 1932. They are also called superior pulmonary sulcus tumours and can trigger several uncomfortable and painful symptoms when it invades the chest wall or spine. These symptoms rarely involve the coughing and shortness of breath that are common with other respiratory malignancies, even though a Pancoast tumor is a type of non-small cell lung cancer. Instead, many patients experience sharp shoulder pain, arm pain and muscle weakness as a result of a tumor placing pressure on a nearby nerve. Patients may also experience other neurological symptoms like tingling sensations, impaired hand function and sensation loss.

Is shoulder pain a sign of lung cancer? Sharp shoulder or scapula (shoulder blade) pain are some of the most common symptoms of a Pancoast tumor, particularly in its early stages. The pain typically develops as the tumor impacts one or more of the nearby structures, such as the:

  • Ribs
  • Neck
  • Ulnar nerve, which runs from the side of the arm to the wrist
  • Branchial plexus, the nerve fibers that run downward from the spine and into the shoulder and arm
  • Parietal pleura, the highly sensitive outer layer of the membrane that lines the chest cavity.
  • Endothoracic fascia, the fibrous tissue that separates the chest wall from the diaphragm and the pleura

Shoulder pain can be a symptom of other lung cancers besides Pancoast tumors, typically if a lung tumor presses against a particular nerve or if the cancer travels to the tissues or bones near the shoulder joint. It’s important to note that shoulder pain is far more likely to be caused by an orthopedic condition, such as osteoarthritis or a rotator cuff injury, than lung cancer. Nevertheless, shoulder pain that persists for more than a few days should be evaluated by a medical professional. Shoulder discomfort that is related to lung cancer may worsen at night, be present while resting or occur without impacting range of motion. Lung cancer that is not classified as a Pancoast tumor may also cause a hacking cough, shortness of breath and wheezing, among other respiratory symptoms.

Other Pancoast Tumor Symptoms: As a Pancoast tumor continues to spread, so can the pain. Patients with an advanced Pancoast tumor may feel intense, constant or radiating pain in their arms, around their chest wall, between their shoulder blades or traveling into their upper back. Patients whose tumor has spread into the scalene muscles may also feel pain in their armpit. In addition to disruptive pain in various areas of the upper body, a Pancoast tumor may cause the following symptoms to develop:

  • Swelling in the upper arm
  • Chest tightness
  • Weakness or loss of coordination in the hand muscles
  • Numbness or tingling sensations in the hand
  • Loss of muscle tissue in the arm or hand
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss

If a Pancoast tumor compresses or irritates a nerve in the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates many of the body’s involuntary actions, a patient may experience flushing and/or excessive facial sweating. Physicians occasionally refer to these complications as Pancoast syndrome. These symptoms typically only affect one side of the face—the same side where the tumor is causing the compression—and can develop long before cancerous cells invade nearby tissues. Some patients also experience a tingling or prickly feeling in their hands. This symptom, sometimes referred to as paresthesias, is also a result of nerve compression. In advanced cases, this compression can lead to permanent sensation loss.

Pancoast Tumors and Horner’s Syndrome: Horner’s syndrome is a rare nerve condition that is characterized by decreased pupil size (miosis), drooping eyelids (ptosis) and an inability to sweat (anhidrosis)—all on one side of the face. Also known as oculosympathetic palsy, Horner’s syndrome affects up to 50% of people with a Pancoast tumor. The condition occurs when the tumor invades the sympathetic nervous system, which is the nerve pathway between the brain and the face that controls the body’s “flight or fight” response. Horner’s syndrome generally isn’t a serious condition and will go away when the cancer is treated.

Pancoast Tumor Risk Factors: A risk factor is a characteristic or behavior that may increase the likelihood of developing a certain condition. The most common risk factor for Pancoast tumors is similar to that of other lung cancers: smoking or being exposed to secondhand smoke. That’s because tobacco smoke enables carcinogens to enter the lungs, which can trigger cells to grow and divide rapidly. When a cluster of abnormal cells gathers in the lungs, a Pancoast tumor can form.

Pancoast tumors are also more commonly diagnosed in men and in people in their 50s. In the general medical community, research is still being conducted on why this is so. Pancoast tumors can affect anyone, including individuals who do not have any known risk factors for this cancer. Still, people with one or more risk factors should be particularly mindful to seek care for symptoms and receive appropriate treatment.

How common are Pancoast tumors? Pancoast tumors are rare, making up fewer than 3% to 5% of all lung cancers. This means they can be more challenging to diagnose and treat, as not many doctors have experience with this complex disease.

Can you feel a tumor in your lung? When a lung tumor causes tightness in the chest or presses on nerves, you may feel pain in your chest, especially when breathing deeply, coughing or laughing.
Can Pancoast tumor symptoms come and go? As with most cancer pain, it is unlikely to come and go or vary in intensity. Rather, it is more likely to be constant and increase in severity over time. It’s important to note that a pancoast tumor usually shows up on a chest x-ray, and certainly on a chest CT.

When Should You See a Doctor? If you are concerned that the shoulder pain you’re experiencing may be related to a Pancoast tumor, it’s a good idea to consult with an oncologist who specializes in this type of cancer. You want to work with a doctor understands and regularly treats Pancoast tumors.

How are Pancoast Tumors Treated? Pancoast tumor treatment options often include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Nutritional therapy and mind-body medicine can also be used as forms of supportive care treatments.

When it comes to treatment you want to go to a high-volume cancer center, such as CyberKnife Miami. Our experts have a great level of experience with uncommon lung malignancies such as these. Our team routinely treats Pancoast tumors and because of our vast experience we are not afraid to take on the most difficult cases.

CyberKnife Miami can work with your primary care provider and oncologist to help you find the best treatment option.

We treat it non-invasively with CyberKnife radiation therapy. The CyberKnife targets only the tumor, destroying it and leaving healthy lung tissue and other vital organs nearby unharmed.

Contact us at 305-279-2900. We provide every patient with rapid access to our cancer experts within a day, which is faster than any other cancer hospital in the nation.

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