by CyberKnife Miami | Sep 3, 2023 | Best Cancer Doctors Miami, CyberKnife Treatment for Liver Cancer, Liver Cancer
CyberKnife offers patients a non-invasive option for both primary and metastatic liver cancer treatment with great success. It is used to treat lesions in people who are not candidates for surgery, those who choose not to have surgery, or those who have failed...
by CyberKnife Miami | Oct 11, 2022 | Best Cancer Doctors Miami, Best CyberKnife Doctors, CyberKnife Patient Success Stories, CyberKnife Treatment for Liver Cancer
Your liver is one of the largest organs in your body. It plays the important role of removing toxins from your body. It also helps you digest food and stores sugar that the body will later use for energy. There are many different types of liver disease, including...
by CyberKnife Miami | May 24, 2022 | CyberKnife Treatment for Liver Cancer, Liver Cancer
CyberKnife offers patients a non-invasive option for both primary and metastatic liver cancer treatment with great success. It is used to treat lesions in people who are not candidates for surgery, those who choose not to have surgery, or those who have failed...
by CyberKnife Miami | Apr 27, 2021 | Liver Cancer
Hearing the words, “You have liver cancer,” is very scary. However, Radiation Oncologist Dr. Mark Pomper says, “The good news is that while liver cancer was once considered a death sentence, there is now effective treatment when it’s caught at an early stage. In the...
by CyberKnife Miami | Mar 30, 2021 | Best Cancer Doctors, Best CyberKnife Doctors, Liver Cancer, Uncategorized
How Does Liver Cancer Treatment with CyberKnife Work? CyberKnife uses highly advanced precision and tracking technology to continuously pinpoint and follow a tumor’s exact location. The CyberKnife System delivers 100 to 200 radiation beams to attack only the tumor...