8 Tips To Make Your Valentines Day With Cancer Special

by | Feb 14, 2024 | Valentine's Day

On Valentine’s Day, a day of love we traditionally show our partners how much they mean to us and spoil them. This year you can look after yourself on the day that is all about you. You and your partner, friends and/or those you love can make valentines day, even with a cancer diagnosis, special.

Our suggestion is to spend time with your partner, friends or loved-ones, not cancer.

8 suggestions to make Valentine’s day with cancer special.

1.  Make a pact that you will not speak about cancer for all of Valentine’s day.

You and your partner, friends or a loved one are invited. Cancer most definitely isn’t.

2.  Meet up with people you love

Meet up with someone who has helped you through your cancer diagnosis and treatment.  Go for a meal or see a film. Celebrate your love for life and each other and your journey so far.  If you don’t feel like going out, movie night at home or a takeaway could be just as rewarding.

3. Connect with your partner

As a cancer patient and a caregiver, you may both be feeling tired.  Time together without pressures and distractions may be just what’s needed.  Life can be overwhelming and filled with pressure even without cancer, treatment, operations, and appointments.

4. Intimacy

Make time to connect with each other.  Hold hands, kiss, give a back rub or cuddle.  Intimacy can take different forms and physical touch can make all the difference in ensuring you do not feel alone.  Find time to be together. Chat, listen to music or watch a favorite film while holding hands.  Great comfort and reassurance can be derived from touch.

5. Write to your friends

A poem or letter showing your love and appreciation will be something to be treasured.  It could be made into a bouquet by tying it to balloons or putting into a cute coffee mug.  You could also take the time to write a journal detailing all the things in life that you truly love and are grateful for.

6. Treat yourself

Indulge yourself with your favorite treats on Valentine’s day.  You can treat yourself to a luxurious bath or book yourself in for a facial, manicure or Spa day.  You could invite your partner, friend or other loved one with you to a Spa Day or other day out.

7. Happy valentine’s day cards

Send your partner, friends or loved one meaningful Valentine’s Day cards enclosing photographs and shared memories.

8. Breakfast in bed

Cancer might mean that you or your loved one won’t be able to enjoy a big breakfast but this does not have to stop a Valentine’s Day Surprise tray in bed.

…..And remember to forget about cancer, just for this day.